I am a knight in shining armor
I am a sex fiend
I am a savior
I am the one who makes them laugh
I am the rescuer
I am the organizer
I am the disciplinarian
I am the guide
I am the false prophet
I am the one who is sorry
I am he that sheds light
I am he that causes confusion
I do not exist
I am more than real
I am a fantasy
I am a genius
I am the dumbest man on earth
I am he that has the answer
I am the keeper of The Zoo
I am the gatherer of children
I am the seer of souls
I am he who tries to save the earth
I am he who fails
I am the one who gives out Love
I am he who ask for nothing
I am the rider of the winged horse
I am the Lover of the green haired beauty
I am the king of all myths
I am the lord of time
I am he who tries and helps
I am the one who cries at night
I am the one whose pain is untold
I am the healer
I am the one who feels emotions
I am the chronicle holder
I am the master of words
I am the drawer of scenes
I am the creator of characters
I am the collector of music
I am the disappointment
I am the crowning achievement
I am the hearer of voices
I am he who makes women smile
I am the breaker of hearts
I am the crusher of souls
I am he who is there
I am he who leaves
I am all and all is not me
I am me
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