Today was the day I never woke up
For all day I lived in my own dreams
It could not have been a real day
Or if it could, it’s not what it seems
I asked a guy who came to my work
May I take your order please
He looked at me with out a smile
And said give me a pound of sneeze
So I sneezed on him, twice in fact
And then I sneezed on him some more
That’s only half a pound of sneeze he said
And he left me feeling so sore
The girl I Loved so long ago
With one eye stronger than the other
Came back to me and kissed my lips
And told me she wants to be a mother
My dear friend, who is a she
We’ve been close for year four
Finally let me make sweet Love to her
Until we were both happy and sore
A man left me a gift
Of two million dollars plus
And cars & houses & other things
Including an expensive gagly surplus
Out of the sky a white horse flew
Obeying the commands of my tune
And I rode away into the sky
But don’t worry, I returned soon
My sisters best friend came to me
And stuck her tongue into my mouth
And started to pant for her lust
Then worked her way down south
I saw my girl fly above my head
With locks as green as the sea
Casting magic all about
But making sure I had time for tea
And when I lay down at night
To write of these things
I push a button above my head
As my clock insist it sings
I look at the bear next to me
It slowly raises its head
And says in its gentle voice
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