Three men dressed in Black

Three men dressed in Black
Stopped and asked me who
I was in Love with
And I told them it was you
They then went on to ask me
Why choose such as this
Without the faithful promise
Of a life full of bliss
I looked at them in puzzle
And asked them to explain
Just exactly what they meant
Then they spoke to me again
“Just look at this woman
And the mistakes of her past
Surely you can see, sir
That this Love cannot last”
“This woman is full of problems
She won’t fulfill your life
There is no way for me to see
Her making a good wife”
“In all the women to choose from
This is in no way the best
Give her up and turn away
And choose one from the rest”
They had not convinced me
My mind was already set
I told them that I Loved you
And I wasn’t finished yet
I then told these three men
How we get along so well
And started to scream and shout
At these three men from Hell
I told them that we talk
For long periods of time
To help each other make it
In spite of our past crime
We make each other laugh
We sometimes make us cry
Then sometimes we hold each other
Though we don’t know why
I told them then that I Loved you
Their faces full of bone
Then they turned and waked away
And left me an you alone
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